Latest Foster Dogs
Ever since our dog Harley died in 2012, we have opened our home to hundreds of foster dogs and puppies. Currently we work with Lu's Labs based out of Virginia. Even though we are based out of VA, we need fosters in neighboring states, especially southern states. We also need help transporting dogs and monetary donations are amazing and allow us to save more pups!
Adopted in November 2019. Five pups arrived and four were adopted in the same day. I kept one puppy for a week but then she was scooped up! This litter is awesome because they all live close by!

Adopted in January 2019. Four chocolate pups arrived and were adopted in the same day. The coffee litter sure was popular!

Adopted in November 2018. We fostered 2 litters of puppies (the Avengers and Alabama litters) and ALL have been adopted. Two of my favorites are now my friend's pups!

Adopted in September 2018. Grant is SUCH a sweetheart! This dog likes ALL dogs, big or small, loves adults and kids. One thing he didn't like was...the dreaded CRATE!
Adopted in September 2018. Zac came from Puerto Rico with another litter, Gidget and Gus. While these pups weren't the same litter, they loved each other like they were brothers and sisters.

Adopted in September 2018. Gus came from Puerto Rico with his sister Gidget and Zac from another litter.

Adopted in September 2018. Gidget came from Puerto Rico with Zac and her brother Gus.